How the 1796 Draped Bust Quarter Became a $120,000 Coin

Coins have been collected for centuries, and some rare quarters are highly valuable. These small coins can be worth a fortune, with collectors willing to pay huge sums for them. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the rarest and most valuable quarters, including the Bicentennial Quarter, which can be worth nearly $40,000, and several others valued at over $120,000.

Bicentennial Quarter – Worth Nearly $40,000

The Bicentennial Quarter was minted in 1976 to celebrate 200 years of U.S. history. Some of these quarters were accidentally made on silver planchets, making them rare. A perfect-condition Bicentennial Quarter with this mistake can be sold for nearly $40,000.


1916 Standing Liberty Quarter – Over $120,000

Designed by artist Hermon A. MacNeil, the 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter is known for its detailed design. This quarter is especially rare because it features Liberty with a bare chest. If you have one in good condition, it could be worth more than $120,000.

1796 Draped Bust Quarter – Over $120,000

The 1796 Draped Bust Quarter is a true rarity. It was one of the earliest quarters made by the U.S. Mint. Only a few hundred of these coins still exist, and they can fetch more than $120,000 if they are in excellent shape.


1932-D Washington Quarter – Over $120,000

The 1932-D Washington Quarter is a special coin due to its low production numbers. The “D” stands for the Denver Mint, where it was made. With only about 400,000 produced, finding one in great condition can make it worth over $120,000.

2004 Wisconsin State Quarter – Over $120,000

The 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter is a modern rarity. Some of these coins have an “extra leaf” on the ear of corn on the back of the coin, which was due to a minting error. This makes them highly valuable, and a perfect one can sell for over $120,000.


Collecting rare quarters can be a fun and profitable hobby. From the Bicentennial Quarter to the 1796 Draped Bust Quarter, these coins represent both history and value. If you happen to come across one, you could be holding a small fortune. Keep an eye on your pocket change or family coin collections—you might just find a treasure!

What makes the Bicentennial Quarter valuable?

The Bicentennial Quarter is valuable due to a minting error where some coins were struck on silver planchets, making them rare.


How much is a 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter worth?

A 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter in good condition can be worth over $120,000.

Why is the 1796 Draped Bust Quarter so rare?

The 1796 Draped Bust Quarter is rare because only a few hundred were made, and even fewer remain today.


What is special about the 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter?

Some 2004 Wisconsin State Quarters have an “extra leaf” error on the corn, making them highly valuable to collectors.

How can I find out if my quarter is valuable?

Check for rare mint marks or errors, and have the coin evaluated by a professional to determine its value.


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