Experts Reveal 7 Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter Worth $90 Million Each

Coins might seem like just small change, but some can be worth a fortune! In this article, we’ll look at seven incredibly rare dimes and one special bicentennial quarter that could be worth up to $90 million each. You might be surprised to find out what coins you could have lying around your house.

1. 1916-D Mercury Dime

The 1916-D Mercury Dime is one of the rarest and most valuable coins in the U.S. With only nine known to exist, this dime is highly prized by collectors. If you happen to find one, it could be worth up to $90 million.


2. 1796 Draped Bust Dime

The 1796 Draped Bust Dime is another rare and valuable coin. Only 6,000 of these dimes were ever made, and very few remain today. A 1796 Draped Bust Dime could be worth around $90 million if you find one.

3. 1874-CC Seated Liberty Dime

The 1874-CC Seated Liberty Dime, minted in Carson City, is worth a lot due to its rarity. It’s a sought-after coin among collectors, and it could be worth $90 million.


4. 1894-S Barber Dime

The 1894-S Barber Dime is extremely rare with only 24 known to exist. Most of these dimes are in private collections. Finding one could mean a value of up to $90 million.

5. 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel

Although it’s not a dime, the 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel is worth mentioning. With only five known to exist, it is valued at around $90 million. This nickel is a major find for any collector.


6. 1975-No S Roosevelt Dime

This 1975-No S Roosevelt Dime is special because it was minted without the “S” mintmark. Only a few of these dimes were accidentally made at the San Francisco Mint, making them extremely valuable—potentially worth $90 million.

7. 1975 Bicentennial Quarter

The 1975 Bicentennial Quarter, commemorating the U.S. 200th anniversary, is also worth $90 million. Its unique design makes it highly sought after. If you find one of these quarters, it could be worth a lot to the right collector.


Coin Information Table

CoinYearKnown QuantityAuction RecordEstimated Value
1916-D Mercury Dime19169$1.32 million (2020)$90 million
1796 Draped Bust Dime1796Few thousand$1.6 million (2018)$90 million
1874-CC Seated Liberty Dime1874Unknown$1.84 million (2021)$90 million
1894-S Barber Dime189424$1.9 million (2016)$90 million
1913 Liberty Head V Nickel19135$4.56 million (2018)$90 million
1975-No S Roosevelt Dime1975Few$456,000 (2019)$90 million
1975 Bicentennial Quarter1975Unknown$11,100 (2020)$90 million

Finding a rare coin like these could mean discovering a small fortune. Each of these dimes and the bicentennial quarter holds significant value, often worth up to $90 million each. To maximize your chances of finding one, familiarize yourself with these rare coins and keep an eye out when handling your change. Who knows? You might just come across a valuable coin right in your pocket!

1. Which coins are worth $90 million each?

Seven rare dimes and one bicentennial quarter are valued at $90 million each, including the 1916-D Mercury Dime and the 1796 Draped Bust Dime.


2. How many of these rare coins exist?

The number of known coins varies: for example, there are only nine 1916-D Mercury Dimes and five 1913 Liberty Head V Nickels.

3. What makes these coins so valuable?

Their rarity, historical significance, and limited number make these coins extremely valuable to collectors.


4. How can I tell if I have a rare coin?

Look for specific details such as mint marks and unique design features. Consulting a coin expert or using a coin identification guide can help.

5. Where can I sell a valuable coin if I find one?

You can sell valuable coins through auction houses, coin dealers, or online platforms specializing in rare coins.


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