The $100 Million Bicentennial Quarter: A Rare Coin’s Journey

Coins tell stories of the past and sometimes, they become worth much more than their face value. This is especially true for rare quarters, which have captured the interest of collectors worldwide. Some of these coins are valued in the millions, making them not just pieces of metal, but treasures filled with history.

In this article, we’ll explore four such quarters, each with a unique story and extraordinary worth. Let’s dive into the world of these rare coins and discover why they are so valuable.


The $100 Million Bicentennial Quarter

The Bicentennial Quarter, minted in 1976 to celebrate 200 years of American independence, is usually worth 25 cents. However, a special version of this quarter has been valued at nearly $100 million! This rare coin is famous not just for its age, but for a minting mistake.

During production, this coin was struck twice by the machine, causing a “double strike” that you can see without a microscope. Because of its perfect condition and the significance of the Bicentennial celebration, this quarter is highly prized by collectors.


The 1932 Washington Quarter

Next, we have the 1932 Washington Quarter, which was created to honor the 200th birthday of George Washington, the first U.S. President. This quarter is particularly valuable because it was produced during the Great Depression, a time when few coins were made.

Only a limited number of these quarters were minted, especially ones in perfect condition. The 1932 Washington Quarter has sold for over $40 million, making it one of the most sought-after coins among collectors.


The 1796 Draped Bust Quarter

The 1796 Draped Bust Quarter is a rare gem from the early days of the United States Mint. Valued at over $40 million, this quarter was one of the first coins ever made in the U.S. Only a few hundred of these coins were produced, which makes them extremely rare today.

The design features the Draped Bust of Lady Liberty, an iconic image that adds to the coin’s appeal. For collectors, owning this coin is like owning a piece of early American history.


The 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter

The 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter is another rare and beautiful coin, valued at over $40 million. This coin was only minted for a short time, and very few of them remain in good condition.

The design of Lady Liberty in flowing robes is considered one of the most beautiful ever featured on a U.S. coin. Its scarcity and striking appearance make it a favorite among collectors, who treasure it for both its beauty and its historical significance.


The world of rare quarters is full of history and intrigue. From the $100 million Bicentennial Quarter to the other three quarters valued at over $40 million each, these coins are more than just money—they are pieces of history. Collectors value them not just for their monetary worth, but for the stories they tell about America’s past.

As we continue to find and preserve these rare treasures, they remind us of the rich history and craftsmanship of our nation’s coinage.



Why is the Bicentennial Quarter so valuable?

The Bicentennial Quarter is valuable because of a minting mistake called a “double strike” and its historical significance, making it worth nearly $100 million.

What makes the 1932 Washington Quarter rare?

The 1932 Washington Quarter is rare because it was minted during the Great Depression when fewer coins were produced, and it marks the 200th birthday of George Washington.


How many 1796 Draped Bust Quarters were made?

Only a few hundred 1796 Draped Bust Quarters were made, making them extremely rare and highly valued by collectors.

What is special about the 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter?

The 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter is special due to its limited production and the beautiful design of Lady Liberty, making it highly sought after by collectors.


Why do collectors value these quarters?

Collectors value these quarters for their rarity, historical significance, and the stories they tell about America’s history.


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