Australia Increases Old Age Pension by 4.3% in 2024: Full Details

The Australia Old Age Pension 2024 is a vital financial assistance program for elderly Australians. This program is designed to help seniors meet their daily living expenses by providing monthly financial support. In 2024, there will be an increase in the pension amount, offering additional help to eligible seniors. This change aims to support older Australians in maintaining a decent standard of living.

Overview of the Australia Old Age Pension 2024

The Australia Old Age Pension is a federal program managed by the Australian government. It offers monthly financial support to seniors who meet certain age and residency requirements. The goal of this program is to ensure that elderly citizens can live with financial stability and comfort.


Key Details

  • Name of Post: Australia Old Age Pension 2024
  • Country: Australia
  • Year: 2024
  • Governed By: Federal Government of Australia
  • Beneficiaries: Eligible Seniors of Australia
  • Category: Government Aid
  • Duration: Monthly
  • Official Website:

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Old Age Pension, seniors must meet several criteria:

General Requirements

  • Age: Must have reached the designated retirement age.
  • Citizenship: Must be a citizen of Australia.
  • Residency: Immigrants need to have lived in Australia for more than ten years and be present in the country when the payment is made.
  • Means Test: Must pass the means and asset tests.

Specific Eligibility

  • Non-Residents: Exemptions may apply for non-residents.
  • Working Abroad: Australian citizens working abroad for a Canadian employer may have their time abroad counted as Australian residency if they meet certain conditions.

Pension Amount for 2024

The Australia Old Age Pension amount for 2024 is set to increase by about 4.3%. Here’s how the new pension rates will look:


For Singles

  • Current Amount:
    • Max Base Rate: $1002.00
    • Max Pension Rate: $80.70
    • Energy Supplement: $14.10
    • Total: $1096.70
  • Increased Amount:
    • Max Base Rate: $1033.40
    • Max Pension Rate: $82.10
    • Energy Supplement: $14.10
    • Total: $1129.60
  • Annual Total (Increased): $28514.00

For Couples

  • Current Amount:
    • Max Base Rate (Individual): $755.60
    • Max Pension Rate (Individual): $60.40
    • Energy Supplement: $10.60
    • Total (Combined): $1653.40
  • Increased Amount:
    • Max Base Rate (Individual): $779.00
    • Max Pension Rate (Individual): $61.80
    • Energy Supplement: $10.60
    • Total (Combined): $1688.40
  • Annual Total (Increased): $42988.00

Payment Schedule

Pension payments are made monthly. Here’s a brief overview for 2024:

  • Initial Payment: Before the month when the individual turns 65.
  • Subsequent Payments: On a chosen date each month.

Pension Calculator 2024

To estimate pension benefits, seniors can use the pension calculator available on the Australian Government Department of Human Services website. This tool helps calculate benefits based on the Centrelink assets and income test methods.


Fact Check

The Australian Age Pension helps eligible older Australians through income support. Eligibility is based on residency and means-testing requirements. The pension age is gradually rising to 67 by 2023. Payments are adjusted twice a year to match inflation and living costs. Additional supplements and concession cards may also be available to aid with living expenses.

The Australia Old Age Pension 2024 is an essential support program for elderly Australians, providing necessary financial assistance to help maintain a decent standard of living. The upcoming increase in pension payments demonstrates the government’s dedication to addressing inflation and rising living costs. Eligible seniors should stay updated on the latest information and ensure they meet all requirements to benefit from this program.



Who is eligible for the Australia Old Age Pension 2024?

Seniors aged 65 and above who meet residency and means-testing requirements.

How much will the pension increase in 2024?

The pension is expected to increase by approximately 4.3%.


How often are the pension payments made?

Payments are made monthly.

What is the eligibility criteria for non-residents?

Non-residents must consider exemptions and meet specific residency conditions.


Where can I find more information about the Old Age Pension?

Visit the official website at


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